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  • 12/2022: Fang’s co-first author Nature paper is online now ( The study includes nearly 3.4 million people of European, African, American and Asian ancestry. It shows almost 4000 genetic variants were linked to how much alcohol a person drinks a week, the age some start smoking and whether they quit the habit. A majority of the 2300 genes the study identified have unknown functions, which will be a valuable resource for future research.

[news], [Linkedin]

  • 05/2020: Fang completed the Udacity C++ Nanodegree Program
The final project: snake game!!

  • 04 /2020: Fang completed the Udacity Data Structures & Algorithms Nanodegree Program

  • 10/2019: Excited to give a platform talk at ASHG 2019.

Topic: The functional landscape and essential genes discovery in genetic etiology of tobacco use.

Hall B – Level 1/Convention/ Wed, Oct 16

  • 01/2019: Our paper on the GWAS for smoking/drinking addiction is out at Nature Genetics.

It represents a major focus for the lab. We identified >400 loci associated with smoking/drinking addictions, which provided a comprehensive catalog of potential causal genes for follow-up studies.